Welcome to EGrAMS!
EGrAMS is an Electronic Grants Administration & Management System utilized by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) for end-to-end grants management. This tool allows applicants, grantees, and grantors to interact in a web based setting, enabling greater awareness, accountability, and analysis throughout the life cycle of a grant.
EGrAMS Updates and Information:
The EGrAMS Homepage is frequently updated with important information and news for IDPH's grantee community. Scroll down for more information on the following key topics:
- The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (COVID-19)
M_21_20 American Rescue Act
Administrative Flexibility Memo
- COVID Relief Extension information
**Each grant is unique; please contact your grant manager to verify if this applies to your grant**
- The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, extends the period during which recipients may incur eligible costs that may be covered using payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to December 31, 2021 (Division N, Title X, Section 1001). President Trump signed the legislation on December 27, 2020, and the change is effective immediately.
- References to “December 30, 2020” in Treasury guidance dated September 2, 2020 (https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/Coronavirus-Relief-Fund-Guidance-for-State-Territorial-Local-and-Tribal-Governments.pdf) and Frequently Asked Questions dated October 19, 2020 (https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/Coronavirus-Relief-Fund-Frequently-Asked-Questions.pdf) should be read as “December 31, 2021” in all instances related to the use of funds to cover costs incurred under Section 601(d)(3) of the Social Security Act. Treasury will update its guidance to reflect this change to the statute in the near future.
- EGrAMS Updates & Changes – Updated 02/15/2019
- Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Implementation – Updated 10/19/2018
- EGrAMS Helpdesk Tips – Updated 01/18/2018
- IDPH EGrAMS/GATA Bulletin - IDPH has created a bulletin with important EGrAMS and GATA related grant information and updates. (Bulletins are delivered to the email address in your user profile.)
Click HERE to view archived Grantee bulletins located under the ‘Resources’ section.
2. EGrAMS UPDATES & CHANGES – Updated 02/15/18
EGrAMS Financial Progress Reports - Grantee Guide - Updated 02/15/2018 (Created 10-16-2018)
A new instructional document has been released on the Training Materials site to assist Grantee Organization with submitting financial reports (Reimbursement Certifications) in EGrAMS. Check out this guide!
The following features were recently added to the EGrAMS financial report. Detailed instructions can be found in the updated ‘Financial Progress Reports – Grantee Guide’ available in the EGrAMS Training Materials section
Upload Signed Report’ field (Effective February 25, 2019)
Effective February 25, 2019, grantees are required to upload signed financial reports/reimbursement certification forms using the ‘Upload Signed Report’ field.
Prior to February 2019, signed reports were uploaded as a budget category attachment.
Total Payable (updated January 2019)
EGrAMS Pre-Qualification check begins 8/14/2017
When applicants attempt to ‘Initiate the Grant’ to generate an application, an error will occur if pre-qualification items are incomplete or out of compliance on the GATA website - Grantee Portal at grants.illinois.gov/portal. Please be sure your information on the EGrAMS Agency profile matches the Grantee Portal registration.
All entities must be qualified to do business with the State of Illinois. To be qualified for a grant award, an entity must:
Have a valid DUNS number;
Have a current SAM.gov account;
Not be on the Federal Excluded Parties List;
Be in Good Standing with the Illinois Secretary of State, as applicable;
- Not be on the Illinois Stop Payment list;
- Not be on the Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services Provider Sanctions list
Final GATA Administrative Rules
The Final GATA Administrative Rules were approved a published in the 10/19/2018 Illinois Register. The rules can be found on the GATA Webiste at grants.illinois.gov or by clicking HERE.
Centralized Indirect Cost Rate System
In alignment with GATA, an indirect cost proposal or rate election must be initiated with the Centralized Indirect Cost Rate system (CROWE) upon notice of award. The indirect cost rate proposal or rate election must be completed no later than three (3) months after the effective date of the State award. First time applicants with the State of Illinois will be invited to negotiate their indirect cost rate when selected to receive funding. Indirect cost rate proposals are approved by the Cognizant Agency.
4. HELPDESK TIPS – Updated 01/18/18
Yellow Book 
Each screen in EGrAMS displays a Yellow Book icon
at the top left of the page. Select this icon to view a step-by-step instruction module to help navigate that screen. Additional training materials can be found under the Training Materials tab.
A +Info icon has been added to the error message pop up window. This icon provides additional information regarding the cause and solution for most common errors.
When viewing errors in an application, click the checkbox next to each error code to go to the page with the error.
In EGrAMS, users utilize the Lookup Tool to complete search criteria. When searching for an item in the Lookup Tool, you may use the percent sign '%' as a 'wild card' to search. Place it before, after or on both sides of a word, words, or part of a word.

Examples include:
%Primary' when Primary is the last word
'Primary%' when Primary is the first word
'%Primary%' when Primary is contained in the selection